What on earth are we doing here? We've been here for about 2 weeks and I know one thing for sure, this is an amazing place to be.
I met with the pastor of the church I hope to intern with. He terrified me, to be perfectly honest! I walked out of that interview with one thought that stuck out more than the others, "I gotta step it up" I need to be pushing myself to grow and learn and be in the Word constantly.
I hate laziness.
I hate selfishness.
These things keep me from growing and understanding. These things keep me from change. I have a lot to learn from the staff members of the church, I can tell already.
Anna is going to class every afternoon and comes home each night with great stories. She is experiencing college in a whole new way with people who view the world in a whole new light.
We go to the beach often and walk around the marina. We work out and watch people play tennis from the balcony (it's a bit creepy). We've been to a college group where we met some really nice students.
My dad loves his work and my mom hasn't been afraid to jump right in and start driving around a strange city. Things are going great so i can't figure out why i sometimes feel a little sad. Maybe i feel guilty. maybe it's just the reality of change.
either way...i'm blessed
they have great faith (day 16)
15 years ago
sounds like you guys are having fun. so we need to skype like asap, because i miss you. probaby monday or wednesday afternoon time. k, gotta go. love you!
Memma - you are so wonderful... I'm glad you are having a good time and learning and growing but I miss you and have a hard time believing you girls are so FAR AWAY from home!!! Love your blog and the pictures you post. I know God will do amazing things through your internship - keep us posted.
Anonymous was me - I'm not sure how I did that!
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