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living for more than this world...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Almost in a routine

What on earth are we doing here? We've been here for about 2 weeks and I know one thing for sure, this is an amazing place to be.
I met with the pastor of the church I hope to intern with. He terrified me, to be perfectly honest! I walked out of that interview with one thought that stuck out more than the others, "I gotta step it up" I need to be pushing myself to grow and learn and be in the Word constantly.
I hate laziness.
I hate selfishness.
These things keep me from growing and understanding. These things keep me from change. I have a lot to learn from the staff members of the church, I can tell already.
Anna is going to class every afternoon and comes home each night with great stories. She is experiencing college in a whole new way with people who view the world in a whole new light.
We go to the beach often and walk around the marina. We work out and watch people play tennis from the balcony (it's a bit creepy). We've been to a college group where we met some really nice students.
My dad loves his work and my mom hasn't been afraid to jump right in and start driving around a strange city. Things are going great so i can't figure out why i sometimes feel a little sad. Maybe i feel guilty. maybe it's just the reality of change.
either way...i'm blessed


margie said...

sounds like you guys are having fun. so we need to skype like asap, because i miss you. probaby monday or wednesday afternoon time. k, gotta go. love you!

Anonymous said...

Memma - you are so wonderful... I'm glad you are having a good time and learning and growing but I miss you and have a hard time believing you girls are so FAR AWAY from home!!! Love your blog and the pictures you post. I know God will do amazing things through your internship - keep us posted.

Kathy T said...

Anonymous was me - I'm not sure how I did that!