We had a wonderful group of people see us off at the airport (mostly anna's family) plus margie, christi and mama meer! leaving is hard. there is really no doubt about that. but going somewhere new is wonderful. I tend to get very attached to people. a lot of the flight was spent thinking about missing those people at the airport. i felt sick in my heart for them. I have to remember that i'll be back soon. there are people who always stay the same. not that they don't grow and change preferences but there are just those kinds of people who are solid. they are the kind of people who weather the storms with you. They are still there even if it's been a while.
Change is sweet and sour. For me, the sour rips me apart so it's esecially important to focus on the sweet.
The sweet side:
We arrived in London early on Jan. 2nd and wasted no time at all. We got on a big red bus and started touring London. We saw Big Ben, the Tower of London, the Tower Bridge, we ate fish and chips, and many other things. Our room was crazy...nothing worked.
Anna: "remember when we were in America and things work when you turned them on?" those days are long gone.
Me: "Mom, what time are we meeting you in the lobby?"
Mom: "7:30"
Me: "that's impossible...it's 8:45 right now"
Mom: "oh. Then...9"
Man: "where are you staying?"
Anna: "...London"
Anna: "...London"
We met some crazy men at a bus stop who wanted to get married. i freaked out but anna laughed. Anna almost died on the escalator. and i have a secret to keep from Margie already :)
Wicked was amazing! I have thought often about how glad i am to have a friend here with me. this experience would have been so much different without a good friend to share it with. We just arrived in Dubai only a few hours ago and to be honest...it's frightening to think about living here for the next few months. Our apartment is unbelievable. I feel very spoiled and a little guilty. Mama meer corrected me and said i'm just very blessed. she's right.
Tim (he and his wife, Tiff, are wonderful!) told me to pray for opportunities. so i'm going to try really hard to see with eyes which are not mine. i want to see things differently this time around. How can i be a blessing? I want to learn how to truly love people.
you better be telling me that secret, dear friend. it was strange seeing you and anna off, knowing that had things just been a little different, i'd be right there with you, the three musketeers all over again for an adventure. but alas, God has much bigger things in store for all of us. you are blessed, and even though our lifestyles for the next three months will be on opposite ends of the spectrum, don't you worry about me. i'm right where i want to be. right where i need to be. i love you. i wish you and anna the best. and i will be the first one in line to hug you when you arrive back at the port columbus airport. you mean the world to me, erma. not a day goes by that i don't think of you and pray for you.
I'm reading eagerly, and missing you! The Bungalow (and IWU) is just not quite the same without you--funny how one semester can change so much :) Enjoy this time--and I'm looking forward to the happy day when I get to see you again!
I miss you like crazy. It was so weird not texting you for chapel today. = ) But I am SO glad that God has blessed you and Anna with this amazing opportunity!! I have been and will be praying for you.
PS - you take amazing pictures, girl!
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